The Email Library option can be used to send enquiries to the library.
The Request Items option can also be used to email the library. Records from search results are included
in the email to include results from searches in order to request them for postal loans or putting aside for collection. This is described
in the help page Reserving and Requesting Items. |
To send an enquiry:
- Click the Email Library link in the Library contact details panel to open the Email library form.
- If you are logged in, your email address (taken from your library records) is entered in the From box and
your name and reader category, reader ID, site (if applicable) and course (if applicable) are displayed in the centre box.
To change the email address in the From box, overwrite it with the address required.
- If you are not logged in, enter your email address in the From box.
- In the Subject field, select the subject heading which best corresponds to your query or request.
- Enter your message in the Message box.
- Click Send to send the message.